What we are About
To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and teach the Apostolic Doctrine to all people that they may come to Salvation, Healing, Reconciliation and Restoration. To teach biblical principles for practical living and gain everlasting life.
Greater Refuge Church is an apostolic church, located in Richmond, Virginia. Our ministry has grown with over 200 members who congregate weekly to obtain knowledge and strength in God’s word. Greater Refuge Church is one of the most respected ministries in the Richmond community and surrounding area for over 50 years.
We are affiliated with the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ (COOLJC), which was founded under the late Bishop R.C. Lawson in 1919. Greater Refuge is one of over 500 churches dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world, preaching and teaching and baptizing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! In the words of the organizations great leader, the late Apostle William Lee Bonner, we continue to “Add thou to it” increasing awareness of the knowledge and greatness of Jesus Christ our Lord!
Who is Pastor Peters?
Our beloved pastor, Apostle Samuel R. Peters, Sr. was born February 27, 1948 in Sussex County, Virginia. He was the third child and second son of 11 children born to Roosevelt and Minnie Dora Chambliss Peters. He was raised in the rural area of Sussex attending Sussex County and Prince George County public schools. Moving to Richmond, Virginia as a child, he continued his education in the Richmond Public Schools graduating from Armstrong High School, class of 1966. He was an advanced student in drafting/architectural drawing and played on the varsity tennis team.
He was married in 1967. From this union were born three children. Samuel R. Peters, Jr., Consuelo G. Peters-Parham, and Alicia D. Peters-Jordan, eight grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter.
While in his senior year of high school, he took the civil service exam and qualified himself to be hired by the U.S. Post Office. He worked as a letter carrier from 1966 to 1974.
Pastor Peters accepted his call to the ministry while still in high school. After he was baptized of the water and spirit, his life than began to unfold in an unusual way. God had a masterplan in mind for him. After graduation he continued his ministerial studies under the late Apostle John W. Pernell, and later under Apostolic William L. Bonner, both of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. While serving as assistant pastor to Bishop Bonner, he enrolled at the Church of Christ Institute in New York. Later, he attended the WL Bonner College in Columbia, South Carolina for two years. Pastor Peters attends seminars, conferences, and workshops on a regular basis. This has helped to broaden his ministry insight.
Bishop Peters was appointed pastor of Greater Refuge Church (called Mother Refuge Church then), October 8, 1974 by Apostle William L. Bonner. The ministry has continue to grow and over 2,000 souls have been baptized in the name of Jesus and over 1,100 filled with the Holy Spirit under his leadership.
Pastor Peters is a preacher, teacher, and builder. He is a visionary in his own right. He has built or assisted in the building of 10 churches in the United States and foreign fields. One of his latest achievements was the construction of our 6,000 square foot educational building. This building housed our Kings Kids Christian Academy until December 2012. It is now home to Seniors First Choice, a ministry dedicated to the health and well-being of senior adults.
Today, Apostle Peters travels extensively throughout the USA and abroad promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ. His travels have taken him to Israel, Rome, Italy, London, Croydon, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Hawaii, Leeward Islands, and 45 out of the 50 states of the USA.
His favorite saying is “God is so good! I don’t have no sad story to tell you.”